

These terms and conditions (‘the Terms”) govern the users (‘you’ or ‘your’) use of the website www.beautytolife.com (‘the Website’) and your relationship with Emerald40 Ltd t/a Bespoke Advantage®  (“Bespoke Advantage® ”), a company registered in England and Wales under company number 09361144, VAT number 201723947 whose registered office is at  Suite 229 Unit 3a, 34-35 Hatton Garden, Holborn, London, United Kingdom, EC1N 8DX (‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’).

We take pride in delivering an exceptional service and ensuring that our work meets with your expectations. This agreement and our proposal outline the responsibilities of both parties and what will take place should something go wrong. You are employing Bespoke Advantage®  to undertake the project as outlined in the proposal. In accordance with these terms of business and the proposal…


You agree that you have the authority to enter this contract on behalf of yourself, your company, or your organization. You will provide us with everything required to complete the project on time. You understand that if you fail to do so, it will impact upon the delivery times of the project You’ll complete any preparatory work before our sessions and implement the actions we agree. You agree to abide by our payment terms as stipulated in this contract. We agree that we have the experience and ability to do everything we’ve committed to you and that it will be done in a professional and timely manner.


 To maintain a professional relationship, please ensure that you respect our payment dates. Payment for the workshops is due in full in advance. We book workshops ahead of time – often up to six months in – this payment is our way of committing our time to you and to ensuring that you are equally committed to working with us.


 Our 1-2- 1 workshops and group workshops get booked up very quickly and are often sold out in advance of them taking place. It can be very difficult to fill places for last minute cancellations so regrettably we are unable to transfer you to a later course or to provide a refund within four weeks of the course. If you would like to send a replacement this is fine, but do let us know, and this is on the understanding that you will be responsible for passing on all joining instructions.

Should we need to cancel the course, you will either be able to transfer your place to another class or receive a full refund. In the case of cancelling a class, the amount we will refund to you is strictly limited to the cost you paid for the course. 


 We will always deliver work to the best of our ability, we can’t be liable to you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental, consequential or special damages. Any liability is strictly limited to the price you paid for the project. Finally, if any provision of this contract shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


 The methodology and experience we share with you is owned by us and may not be repackaged, rebranded, or resold in any way. We love to share what we’ve learned on our blog and on social media channels. We reserve the right to write about our projects for books, magazines and for websites to share the experience and learnings on behalf of others. 


 Our office hours are 9am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. We will usually respond to emails within one working day. We don’t tend to check emails at the weekend. Please bear this in mind.


 You can’t transfer this contract to anyone else without our permission. This contract is a legally binding document under exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.